Winter Break 2022 & Welcoming 2023

On January 1st Baby Hulk bursted into my room exclaiming “It’s 2023!” I replied “Yes, It’s January 1st 2023.” For about 6 months ( I’m guestimating here) Baby Hulk freely tells me when a new month is coming. Our short conversations goes like this:

Baby Hulk: Today is the last day of the month. Tomorrow is a new month.

Me: So tomorrow what month is it?

Baby Hulk: Month* 1st.

Me: What day?

Baby Hulk: Day*.

He always gets the month & day right*. I like how he is excited when he tells me. Then he bounces off while he verbally stims. Small conversations like this I appreciate so much from Baby Hulk. His speech has improved so much from school,and time.

Bittersweet Winter Break

Winter break is over. I’m happy, and also feeling a bit bittersweet. With every new year I subconsciously reflect on my children’s childhood & growth. They are getting older so fast. I question if I spend enough quality motherhood time with them. I always wonder if I provide enough good childhood memories without sacrificing my sanity.

I think for this winter break it went well. We took our children to visit their grandpa, and then had a fun few days at Knott’s. That trip opened our eyes to changes in both our children. They are both communicating in their own way wants, and needs. They are growing so fast!

When we came back it was spent mostly at home. Of course I took the kids out to playgrounds, Target ( One of their favorite stores) and a drop in day care. Winter break was filled with playing with their Christmas gifts. Also enjoying cafes, and restaurants holiday specials.

Planning For A Year Of Decluttering In 2023

I’m hoping this year I’ll post more decluttering & cleaning content. Since it’s fall/winter I tend to put that part of life on hold. I try to spend more time with family, and friends. I also deal with the holiday blues a lot. Having to declutter & clean during the holidays is stressful. There is so much other pressure on my husband, and I.

For my husband, it’s work preparing for the holiday rush/changeover. For me, it’s managing my household & raising my children mostly by myself ( I do not have family or friends that can help with childcare). There is a reason through the years I try to lead a less stressful holiday season.

Sharing A Monetary Portion Of Our Income In 2023

I’ve been on the fence about doing reselling income reports. At first it didn’t seem to fit what I wanted this blog to be about. The more I thought about it though, the more I realize it can help parents establish another source income. I will see. It will just be sharing numbers, and not sharing my stores.

Aside from parenting/domestic related tasks I do resell. It’s been paused for a while because of my husband’s new job. His increased hours working didn’t leave room for me to source, and list. My children do not go in a day care ( they occasionally go in a drop in one) because day care where we live is expensive. We do not get any help from family in terms of childcare.

I’ll admit his increase hours in working is one of the reasons why the holiday blues were hitting me pretty hard. I thought the pandemic made life lonely. Add the journey of evaluating my son, and no time to work on my side business really amplified the loneliness of my motherhood.

Taking Care of Myself In 2023

Aside from blogging, and reselling I need to take better care of myself mentally, and physically. I have to admit to myself it’s okay to not get everything done. When I see other people in my situation doing more, in the end they get things done because they have more support they don’t realize, or care to admit. Yes there is some resentment from me, but it’s up to me to accept my situation, and it’s up to me to admit when I have to say it’s ok to not get everything done.

It seems that in 2023 I’m trying to set boundaries within myself with acceptance, and staying in my own lane.