Valentine’s Day For My Autistic Son

Valentine’s Day passed, and this year his school did do the Valentine’s Day cards exchange. In the U.S. on February 14th, usually at the end of the school day children pass out Valentine’s day cards. They are either hand made, or purchased. Usually these cards are accompanied with a few pieces of candy, or chocolate. In general you give one to everybody in your class. I’m not quite sure what grade this usually stops but for first grade it still usually happens.

Baby Hulk is in a SPED program with a focus on ASD. Meaning everyone in his class has ASD. The spectrum can vary. Some students may have their own aide. Baby Hulk is a low support needs ASD so he does not need an aide. His class is small, and there is usually at least two adults (Teacher, & Teacher Aide). Even though he has a small class I still try to make holidays like this an opportunity to teach him about the social aspect of it.

Pre-Valentine’s Day Shopping

In January I bought some Disney Valentine’s Day cards. You would think waiting until February would be ok right? Ever since the Pandemic, there has been a shortage. By end of January all cards are gone. Hand made Valentine’s cards are made instead.

I told Baby Hulk Valentine’s day is the way you express you Love your friendship with your friends. Even if they are not a friend, they get a card as way of letting them know you wish them well. I also gave him the option to give a little more chocolate to whoever he considers his friend.

Valentine’s Day

The day of Valentine’s Day I explained to Baby Hulk again the cards with treats will be passed out later, or when his teacher tells him it’s time. Usually this happens at the end of the school day. When he came home I asked him if he gave his Valentine’s cards to his friends. He just responded Yes. He just placed all his cards/candy in his bag. We went through it briefly, and I told him “So, and so gave this.” He enjoyed it, and I ask about his Valentine’s craft. Heart shape crafts were in his folder. I thought they were for me Lol. They were not. He said it’s was from his teacher to him.

The fact that my son corrected me on his own was really cool. His speech has come so far since he started school. It brings back earlier memories when just silently begging for him to tell me how he is feeling. If your child has a speech delay plus ASD it puts fear in our minds. Will he/she tell me what is bother him? Will he/she ever bond verbally with me? The questions go on and on. At this point I am happy at his progress.