Rough Draft List Of Decluttering My Home

Rough Draft List Of Decluttering My Home

*Unfinished decluttering list.

 1.Start with rooms/areas you can use for storage

    a. Garage

    b. Spare Bedroom

 2.Work on closets

    a. My closet

    b. My husband’s closet

 3.Work on bathrooms

    a. Cabinets

    b. Toilets area

 4.Laundry Room

    a. Cabinets

 5.Kids Bedrooms

   a. Their Closets

   b. Their toys

 6. Living room/dining room

   a. Kids play area

   b. Display cases/storage cabinets

   c. Costco/Pantry area

 7. Kitchen 

   a. Top Cabinets

   b.Bottom Cabinets

   c. Kitchen Island

This is an unfinished list of decluttering. I decided to start with the garage/or our spare bedroom (currently being used as a storage/ebay room. Since these two spaces are mainly our storage areas, I decided to start there. This way they can act as a place to decide on what to keep/store/throw away. This task isn’t going to be completed immediately.  It will probably take weeks because of the time constraints. I can’t declutter very much when my children are with me either.

Decluttering the kitchen is last. That is the most used space in our home. It also stores most items I, and my husband use frequently. In terms of domestic duties the kitchen is where I’m always having to maintain. The stocking, the general cleaning, & the cooking. 

We have so much stuff to go through. I never looked at decluttering in a moving mindset. So we haven’t gotten rid of enough stuff yet. I do the general decluttering of getting rid of things we haven’t used in a while, things that are way too used to keep, and things my children have grown out of. Not moving though.

My husband and I have a bunch of hand me downs. We are both the youngest family members on both sides. When we both got our homes ( I use to own my own townhome) our families helped a lot by decluttering their homes and gave us what we needed. Don’t get me wrong, we definitely appreciate the gesture. We both saved a lot of money over the years because of this. Except in terms of interior design it’s not exactly cohesive. Both our families have vastly different tastes/needs. What is valuable to his family probably isn’t valuable to mine.

Still, he has mostly the final word on what to get rid off on his side. My husband’s family gave many sentimental things to us. Mine too, but even I know what is considered sentimental. We both have to ask our families who wants what and what can be thrown away.

It’s just a lot to go through. I already tried to get my husband to go over his side of things. He’s starting to come to terms that he doesn’t have to keep EVERYTHING. I even have to remind him the stuff that’s given to us is things some of our family members were going to throw away anyways. It lessens the blow for them for things that are passed on, but it’s not our responsibility to keep these items. Many of these items are not considered heirlooms and honestly it’s not something I want my own kids to think about.