New School Year For My ASD Son 2024

I know I haven’t been blogging about Baby Hulk. My last ASD parenting post was September 2023. I will try to blog more from now. His 2nd grade of school was great. I wish I posted more about it, but the last 12 month has been a blur for me. Now we are entering this School year at a new district in our current home.

New School With Different SPED

I’m not going to lie. I’m nervous about Baby Hulk, and his new school. He has taken this move much better than how my husband, and I expected. I just hope we continue this momentum of him transitioning to a new school well. I still haven’t been able to talk to his teacher, or know who it is. I just hope the ASD program meets his needs.

In the last school (NV) the speech therapist noted he didn’t need any more speech therapy minutes. I’m hoping at the new school I can discuss about adding speech therapy back. While Baby Hulk meets his speech therapy needs at school academically, I still think socially he is behind. I know I can try to get outside speech therapy, but I feel if he receives the therapy with like minded children at school it will be more beneficial.

Sibling Rivalry

I’m starting to see the sibling rivalry for my attention between Baby Hulk, & Little Princess. I’m having trouble giving positive reinforcements when both are meeting them in different points in their life. For example, Little Princess is more adventurous in terms of trying new foods. Baby Hulk has sensory issues with food. Even though Baby Hulk has gotten better in trying new things, he still has a list of approved foods.

There were times Little Princess would “show off” she did something he couldn’t which is trying something new. I know Baby Hulk feels defeated when his little sister can do something simple that he can not. I honestly do not know if I’m parenting right in this situation. I usually praise Little Princess for trying something new, then I tell Baby Hulk “it’s ok ,maybe another day you can give it a chance.

Let’s see how the school year will go for them. Will they try to one up each other? Probably. I’m going to assume this is all normal sibling behavior.

Speech Improvement

When I reflect on how much Baby Hulk’s speech has improved over the years I’m happy for him. I know one thing he has trouble is expressing himself verbally. When that happens he gets overwhelmed, and sometimes cries, or his echolalia is really obvious. I do not mind that. It is much better than him being aggressive or hurting himself. I know I’m considered “lucky” in terms of autism parenting.

This is the reason why the speech therapist at his old school decided he didn’t need speech therapy minutes anymore. He is able to express himself enough academically. Yet, I can see he still has trouble socially with other non-speech delayed children. It pains me to watch other children try to interact with him, with him just either running off or his echolalia coming out. I still occasionally coach him, but he is very much a loner.

Motherhood Season Change

Even though so many changes have happened, and will happen I am looking forward to my season of motherhood of having both my children in school. Little Princess is entering Pre-K. I think she will do fine. She hits most of her milestones, love learning, and being social. This season of motherhood will feel so lonely in the beginning for me. It will feel so strange not to have them following me.

My days will finally be filled with things I always wanted to do. There is also this weird guilty feeling that I feel this way. Also this little bit of sadness too that my children are growing up. I know when I send Little Princess off too school I will cry. She is my last child, and I will not plan to have any more. If you are a parent, did you feel this too?