Moving Blues In Southern California

Finally Here

It’s weird for me to be typing that we finally moved. This move was so much harder than I expected. It was both mentally, and physically exhausting. I mentioned before in a much earlier post “2 Years From Moving A Family Of 4” we moved to be closer to my FIL. He offered his rental in southern CA at a huge discount compared to what we were paying in NV.

Currently we are here. It’s crazy to think it finally happened. I haven’t been posting much about it for me just trying to balance parenthood/marriage/home life/moving. Honestly it doesn’t feel like home yet. Our stuff is here, and we sort of establish a sort of routine outside of fixing/deep cleaning. It is as if I will eventually be told we are going back home to NV.

Burned Out In Between

I’m so burned out with things I just haven’t been listing as much, or blogging as much as I want. Couple this with I think is perimenopause. Also add in my 4 year old Little Princess entering her stage of independence. Add unpacking/cleaning still. I’m just living through my days in a brain fog. I’m managing my life ok, but I’m not really there. In this what could be considered functioning depression? I don’t know.

Liquidating Things

Before the move I had to liquidate my inventory by a lot. I did this by holding sales, and sending a bunch of boxes to thred up. This felt like a punch in the gut for me. I was told too close to the move by the moving company I needed another truck. To be sure we didn’t have to pay for another truck we purged. Purged inventory. Purged toys. Purged clothes. Purged furniture. Purge and purge. It wasn’t as invigorating as it seems …. there was things I didn’t want to throw away. At one point ( ok a couple points) I bursted out crying from the sheer change of having to get rid of things I wanted to bring.

I think I’m over it now, but I’m still mentally exhausted from this experience. Btw it didn’t make all my experience even better when the moving company admitted they could have fitted more things in the one truck. ggggaaaaaahhh.

Still Feeling The Moving Blues

One month here, and I have to admit I’m more sad than happy most of the time. Is it the moving blues? Yes. Also a guilt of feeling sad. I get that I’m lucky we are able to move and not pay a huge rent. That doesn’t mean I miss my home in NV. Where my home there was definitely newer. Where I knew where most places I usually go. A place where I’m use to driving. My driving anxiety is pretty bad right now.

Otherwise I’m functioning ok.