June 2024 Reseller Income Report: Gross Sales $317.72

This is a limited series I hopefully plan to keep up for 2024. My purpose of this series is to give readers who are interested in reselling as a side hustle a glimpse into numbers, and bits of piece of the nitty gritty of reselling. I have been doing this for 15 years part-time. It’s not really a guide, but more of a peek into some numbers & random thoughts on selling. Reselling, even though has its definite downs, has provided additional small income for my family. In general, I work on my own time, which is a huge plus.

Gross Sales For eBay/Poshmark June 2024: $317.72

COGS: $78.87

A Low Sales Month

June I didn’t sell very much. While I was casually listing, my sales dropped. Was it from being closed for weeks? I’m not sure. My inventory isn’t catered much to summer wear. Over the years sourcing for summer attire wasn’t fruitful for me. The price of clothing has gone up for summer attire, but the COMPS stayed lowed. So I rarely picked up summer items. Also my inventory in June was less than 400 items.

Up To Date In Posting Numbers

I’m surprised I’m finally up to date with the reseller gross sales income reports. I knew I wasn’t paying attention to my blog much. While I enjoy blogging, it’s always a 2nd or 3rd priority. I need to do it more. It can be quite therapeutic.

Finding Other Avenues Of Sourcing For Inventory

On my last post I mentioned I went thrifting for the first time. Unfortunately I notice the prices were kind of higher than what I use to spend when I was living in NV. I need to find other avenues of sourcing. I still can’t afford nor do I trust liquidating companies. Sometimes I occasionally find a good deal online, but that’s not a regular occurence for me.

I do need to go over my own items in our home. Since moving into a smaller home, I notice we have a garage filled with stuff that nobody remembers. That’s embarassing considering we inventoried/packed them thinking it was worth it to take it with us.