January 2024 Reseller Income Report: Gross Sales $1279.17

This is a limited series I hopefully plan to keep up for 2024. My purpose of this series is to give readers who are interested in reselling as a side hustle a glimpse into numbers, and bits of piece of the nitty gritty of reselling. I have been doing this for 15 years part-time. It’s not really a guide, but more of a peek into some numbers & random thoughts on selling. Reselling, even though has its definite downs, has provided additional small income for my family. In general, I work on my own time, which is a huge plus.

Gross Sales For January 2024:$1279.17

COGS: $198.53

Starting The Year Good With An Increase In Sales Compared To 2023

You know what, I was surprised to end January 2024 with over $1,000 in sales. Though I know it’s because I’m trying to liquidate my inventory before we move. So I accepted offers that sometimes made me a little more money, or breaking even. I even dropped prices on items regularly.

I’m not planning to liquidate all my my inventory. In January I had close to 600 items listed. I hope to liquidate maybe down to 300-400 items before we move. I also send items to thredup. Not a whole lot, but it does help in bringing down my inventory.

Thrift Stores And Their New Management

I’ve notice the thrift stores I frequent have new management. From my personal experience this tends to mean brand names priced higher. It’s a cycle I’m used to. New management comes in, prices things high to meet numbers, sales drop a bit, then they start pricing things to sell as they should, and then they probably find a higher paying job after all the experience they obtained working for a charity thrift store. Unfortunately the new management I’ve noticed at this one particular store I go to priced things with red tags. Which means the prices are not only high, but won’t go down in price during discount days.

I do tend to frequent those stores with the changes less, but I don’t stop going there. I just pick up things they priced low enough for me to make a profit. Which means I end up picking usually not trendy brands, but known more for their quality styles and textiles. Either way, I’m still finding items I’m still able to find things to resell.

Currently In The Process Of Moving

I’ve mentioned many times before that we are moving. It’s crazy to me that time is just around the corner. I’m stressed, scared, and worried. Even though I’ve been decluttering, and somewhat packing, I still feel unprepared. Like I should be doing more. In my mind I’ve gotten rid of a lot of stuff, but also in my mind I should be doing more.

I’m also excited too. Excited to see if I’m able to still resell, maybe get a part time job when my kids settle in school, and nesting a home with me in mind. You see, I moved with my husband (then boyfriend). I sold my home at the time, and brought my stuff to his home. For a long time it didn’t quite feel like my space. Now I have the chance to decorate our home with me in mind. Excited to choose the colors I want, pick new(used) furniture, and research on small home living.