How To Have a Low Key And Less Stressful Christmas Holiday

Here’s how to have a low key, less stressful Christmas Holiday. Less is more. LESS IS MORE. That’s it. That’s the secret. Ok Goodbye! I’m kidding Y’all. Now if you are the type of person to go all out for the Holidays, this post is not for you. My tips are easier said than done. My tips are for people who really don’t feel the magic in bedazzling your house in lights, having huge feasts, nor dragging the kids to get the perfect holiday card that screams “WE JUST HAD TOO MUCH HOT CHOCOLATE AT THE NORTH POLE!!!”

Transition Slowly To A Less Stressful Christmas Holiday

My Christmas Holidays looks different before I had kids. We are the youngest on both sides of the family. That means my husband, and I had nieces /nephews before our children. Attending these family Christmas parties & dinners kind of suck when most of your relatives were at a different stage in their life. So, even before pre-pandemic we decided to celebrate by ourselves. We purposely booked vacation around people’s parties, told little white lies of having to work, and at peak “no more family gatherings” we were honest. We don’t do Christmas gatherings on Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day.

I actually had to tell my side of the family that. I was met with ” It’s how we spend time as a family.” I pretty much told them I’m tired year after year of just watching their kids stare at their phones. I also told them I have my own family now and I want to establish my own traditions. Now outside our own family involves my children’s only living grandpa Christmas Party ( not thrown on Christmas Eve/Day), and maybe a Christmas brunch/breakfast with mine ( not thrown on Christmas Eve/Day). This took years to establish. I think it’s probably easier in my situation. Our In-laws in general respect that boundary. It was easier to do as well because my children has only one grandparent alive, and we only make effort to see him.

Elf On The Shelf Stays At Grandparents Or Aunts/Uncles Home

We don’t do this. My In-laws do, and we manage to skip this for our home by telling our kids the elf visits at grandpa’s house only. Its because that’s when the elf can watch more kids at the same time. I like the idea, but I’ll stick to my brother in law’s side of the family bringing that magic when we visit.

Lessen The Gifts

We keep it simple for our children. 1 gift, and 2 Christmas stocking gifts. My children are still kind of young to really request expensive gifts. My ASD 6 yr old son is at the age to request things. I am honest with him in terms of money. He’s allowed to request 1 big gift for now, and then future requests can be fulfilled for other occasions such as birthdays, obtaining student of the month, and when other family is willing to buy him those more expensive gifts. My NT daughter is 2 and is pretty much happy with a giant sketch pad, and a huge box of crayons/markers.

We stick to family gifts only. I establish this with my side of the family waaaayyy before the pandemic started. A few months before Christmas I sent an Email to all my family members saying I am only doing couple gifts/or family gifts from now on. For children under 18 is who we shop for. For the most part it was met with ” I agree”. Now I only request for them to get things for my children. I do send them an amazon gift list filled with items that start at $10+. It’s kept the holidays less stressful for both parties.

Santa Doesn’t Do Expensive Gifts. Parents Do.

My children still believe in Santa. More of “yeh that guy in red who brings a random gift that magically appears the day of Christmas.” I don’t raise my children in “you get gifts so be better behave.” It’s more of this guy wants children to have something to look forward to on Jesus’s Birthday. I’m not religious, but I am honest with what Christmas really is.

Establish A Simple Memory Of What Signifies Christmas Holiday

Everyone in my life knows my method of Christmas cheer is this holiday Frozen sweater I wear. It’s a green sweater I found at the thrift store. I wear it everywhere. To pick-up/drop-off. Target runs, Costco runs, meeting a gf, and the only Christmas party we go to. I get tons of compliments of it from strangers, and even my family knows it’s my own way to celebrate ( in addition to eating tons of gingerbread food). You can do something similar that really doesn’t go over your own stress comfort. For example just by walking around your neighborhood looking at lights, & decor is fun for all ages. Making it a week or month of hot chocolates drink can be a symbol of starting to celebrate.

Christmas Dinner Turns Into Christmas Breakfast, And Eventually Christmas Drop Ins

This is what I do now, and it’s great. The Christmas Drop in. It’s when you establish dates near Christmas Eve/Day and time slots for people to drop in & pick up their gifts. Family gifts are usually baked goods I picked up at a speciality bakery, or just a gift basket I made with Christmas food. Food provided are more appetizers with a variety of sodas & coffee. I do this because wrangling family together can feel like a project manager’s day. Also some people’s work schedule change, they get sick, etc. This way family & friends know I still have day open for a drop in.

On those days I do have appetizers ready. I keep it simple by providing a hot coffee pot, sodas, and a variety of appetizer type foods. In general, this has been appreciated. Many times my guests have actual Christmas dinners ( usually for work, or other family) to go to afterwards. The pressure to eat isn’t there. Having just a drink with a couple appetizers is enough to tide over a few hours until they have to attend another person’ Christmas party.

Have Youtube Play Christmas Background Music

Don’t have enough decorations up to establish a Christmas Holiday mood? Put youtube on and search for Christmas music, fireplace music, etc. I like the sounds of guitar music playing so I search for Christmas guitar music.

I actually have Christmas or casual music playing throughout the year because of youtube. It can really make your day to day activities more bearable. The background picture adds a nice touch on TV as well.

What do you do to have a less stressful Holiday?