Glimpse Into ASD Parenting : When A Small Gesture Can Turn The Day Around

The idea that I, a NT ( Neurotypical) parent of my ND ( Neurodivergent)son, can predict how he is feeling, feels…a bit of a question mark. Why yes, I am probably a better voice for my son compared to say his doctors, and his teachers. Still, I know when my son is happy. When he speaks, it means something. I very much value the nonverbal ways he expresses himself. When he stims, it’s usually because he is happy about something he is doing at the moment. When he does things for me without asking it shows he wants to help. Things like getting his sister’s diaper while I’m changing her, turning on the light before I go to the room, and etc. Sometimes he will randomly come up to me and give me a bouncy hug when he is excited. When he is sad, he shuts down, and doesn’t put any effort in talking.

The Small Gesture

Today he noticed something I did, and acknowledged me for it. I fixed one of his flags ( his current special interest) when I was doing my chores. I notice for the past few days he’s been keeping his broken American flag. Kind of looking at it. Fiddling with it. Since he had so many other I didn’t think much of it, and told him he should play with his other ones that are exactly the same. I fixed it today because I did have some fabric glue in my reseller cart. I knew he would find his broken flag later when he was playing with his waffle blocks.

Realizing What I did For Him

When he realize what I did, he looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said ” Mommy! you fixed my flag! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!” He stared, and waved his flag for a bit, and kept on saying ” You fixed it! You fixed my flag” Couple that with his verbal stims It made me happy. Then he asked ” How did you fix it?” I said “I have special glue. I put it on and made it dry.” This little conversation just made me so happy. To see, and hear my son having this conversation is rare. For him to confidently ask me, and thank me feels surreal.

Mood Doing a 180 change

Lately, my son just hasn’t been feeling well. He has been fighting a terrible cold, had to miss a couple days of school, and dealing with school changes from a variety of things. He has been managing his behavior well, but I always make sure he comes home, and just rests. Basically, he’s having a brain fart for hours. Having his mood do a 180 change is honestly, a huge relief. All because I fixed his broken flag. Even though he has 6 others in the house.