First Week of Primary Autism 1st Grade

My son’s first week of school is over. It went well. At least I think it did. He still comes home overstimulated, and tired. Usually he wants a couple hours to himself with his iPad. Which I don’t mind for the time being. Last year we usually did his homework when he came home. It was a routine we establish.

Last Year Kindergarten

Last year it was reading and math on his laptop with some print out homework. His current teacher doesn’t seem to like doing things on the computer very much. Perhaps more printed homework will be given out since she said they will be keeping laptops in the class this year. My son actually did great with HW on the laptop but it is quite repetitive with what I’ve seen. ST Math & Epic reading was mainly the type of homework he had to finish. I definitely see him more enthusiastic with homework done on paper. I’m not sure why. Probably because he finishes them fast compared to the software on the laptop. He excels with both formats so we will see how it goes.

Therapy in School

I am still excited about the school year. It is the place where he gets speech therapy & OT. I currently do not have him take therapy for his speech delay ,& autism outside of school. These services are actually hard to schedule and requires so much referrals/insurance paperwork. I figure since his team of health & educational professionals just “suggest” these services my priority in getting those services outside of school can be pushed back. They agree with me.

Even though he does have some speech and developmental delays, he has shown improvement from his initial evaluations. It’s not just the therapy I’m excited for. Since he is in an autism class that means he’s with kids who he has in common with. I know he has a couple of friends in there he looks forward to. Unfortunately we don’t have neighbors with kids his age so his social interaction comes from school or when I take him to a park/playground. I’m also looking forward to the school activities that’s open to the family too. It’s one of the ways I get to see the teachers who may be his teacher in the future.

hope all of you parents & students have a wonderful school year.