Decluttering: The Spare Bedroom That Turned Into Portal To My Side Hustle

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I’m currently working on decluttering the spare bedroom in our home. It functions as a storage for mostly my reselling inventory, and also a spot I take pictures for. There are racks, and bins, shelves, and a big shoe rack. Since I have cut down on how much I am involved in my side business, I decided to eventually stop reselling temporarily. 

Paring Down My Inventory

I haven’t listed anything in over two months. I have been sending inventory to thredup through their partner clean out program and getting gift cards to said brand partnerships. Eventually I have to go through everything and decide what to donate & throw away. I’m wondering if I should turn it into a spare guest room but honestly it might not be a good idea. 

Click Here To Sign Up For Thredup To Get $10 To Spend.

When A Spare Room Won’t Work As A Guest Room

You see the walls are rather thin and it’s a room right next to little princess’s room. If I did have a guest stay in that “spare” room they would wake up my daughter doing normal guest things like just watching a show, or just fiddling with stuff they brought. I don’t want my guests to feel they have to be super quiet. So we usually push my daughter’s pen to our room so she sleeps in our room. The guests end up sleeping in her room with our spare twin bed. This way guests can be free to wind down however they like without worrying about waking little princess.

Donate. Sell. Keep.

I already mentioned above how I’m just sending things to thredup. On my next post I’ll share numbers and partner brands I’ve sent for. Stuff I’m planning to donate/throw away are of items that are not worth sending to thred up. I don’t send items that are obviously too used to resell, or have too many flaws. Also things that have dropped off my ebay store which are items I’m not relisting again. Mostly small house wares and small gift like items I listed. Things I’m keeping are items that are priced $40+ in my online stores. I’m hoping by the end of this decluttering I’ ll have 350-400 items of clothing, shoes, & accessories only.

Weight Lifted Off My Shoulders 

I have been reselling for more than 10 years. For all those years I always had a number in mind to keep my online business sustainable and worthwhile. While I have never classify myself as a full time reseller, the profit I made was definitely worth it compared to getting a part time job or to even work almost a full time schedule. This worked great because I paid my bills, took care of my home, be a SAHM, and was able to raise my children without daycare. The pros outweigh the cons but this time in my life with changes coming, I have to kind of shut down reselling. I’m doing this just by slowly selling off my inventory. It’s been so long not to worry about gross sales, & profit. Kind of a weird feeling. I do miss it but for the time being i have to stop doing it to take care of my family.

What We Will Use The Spare Room For

When the decluttering of this spare room is done, we are planning to use it mostly for storage. We haven’t decided if we should still add a day bed just in case we have more guests than expected. I will still keep all of my reselling supplies. I haven’t decided if I should just bite the bullet and just sell everything at cost. Maybe closer to the move I will.