Decluttering The Linens Cabinet & Under Bathroom Sink

Outside of my normal day to day maintenance of our home, I decided to declutter the linens cabinet, and under the masters bathroom sink. I’m embarrassed to say it’s been YEARS since I decluttered both. This time I threw away a lot more things.

Decluttering The Linens Cabinet


This cabinet holds most of our household linens like bedsheets, towels, kitchen towels, & microfiber towels. I don’t keep my children’s bed sheets in here. I keep theirs in their bedroom in their closet, or under their bed. I do keep my husband’s, and I bedsheets here. So the size of of this cabinet works fine for us.

It’s a mess, I know. Usually when I put things away, I just shove stuff and quickly close it. Mostly because our late cats ( We use to own 3 cats) followed me constantly, and will try to sneak in there as I’m putting things away. Well, I finally took time out of my day to declutter.

Things I Threw Away

  1. Old bed sheets/pillowcases/blankets we never used that was passed down from family.
  2. Bed sheets about to have tears, or holes.
  3. Very used towels.
  4. Heavily stained microfiber towels, and kitchen towels.

Things I Kept

  1. The last bedsheets I purchased as a spare for our bed.
  2. Towels in good condition.
  3. Fairly clean microfiber towels, and kitchen towels.
  4. Baby blankets that are still in good condition. All Disney brand.
  5. Embroidered pillow cases from my husband’s late great grandmother.

For the most part, I threw away things that were given to my husband when he bought his house. His parents kindly helped stock his house with their stuff. He didn’t mind that I threw them away. The majority of them didn’t have sentimental value. The only things I kept that was passed down were some pillow cases his late great grandmother embroidered.

It’s so much more roomier after decluttering. I don’t intend to stock it. What we have in stock works for us.

Decluttering Under The Bathroom Sink


It’s been a few years since I truly decluttered under this sink. I do some light decluttering every now, and then. This time I pulled everything out, and wiped down with some cleaner.

Things I Threw Away

  1. Excess packaging from daily essentials such as q-tips, cotton pads, toothpaste, and etc.
  2. Hotel toiletries we don’t intend to use ( this was a lot).
  3. Mini skincare products that were more than 2 years old ( I use to buy sephora favorites regularly).
  4. Gift bath products that were given to us as gifts many years ago.

Things I Kept

  1. Essentials we frequently use.
  2. Hotel toiletries that are good brands & soaps ( Paul Mitchell, & some Disney Cruise Line)
  3. Of course hair dryer/curler

Organization Storage I Need To Buy For Both Small Spaces

For the linen cabinet, I may buy some small shelves for the microfiber towels. That’s it for that space. Keeping the amount of stuff minimal doesn’t seem to need much storage solutions. Though, for the under the bath sink I would like to replace the small dollar store bins I use. They are just getting old, and I want something sturdier. Amazon has some nice shelvings, but they currently out of my price range. I will head to my local home goods, or Tjmaxx store and either find clear, stackable shoe box shelves, or just small shelves that can be topped with small boxes to hold things.

I do feel much better organizing these two areas. In general these two tasks always gets pushed down on my to do list. It also made me realize I need to be more conscientious in using what I have. Throwing away all those items felt like as a family we lived a little to much with excess.

Do you feel the same way when you declutter?