Decluttering: The Catch All Crap Garage

Hello there people who use their garage as a catch-all. Tell me your secrets on how to organize because I’m overwhelmed. It’s crazy to think how much stuff is sitting in our garage that hasn’t been used for years. 

There’s golf clubs, unused/broken Christmas ornaments, and is that a sombrero?! I don’t even remember what these frames are. 

One side of our garage.
Other side of our garage.

How Did Our Garage Turn Into a Catch All Space?

A lot of this stuff is things my In Laws gave us when they were decluttering. My husband, and I have been married for almost 10 years, and I have never seen this man hold a golf club. He told me stories about his childhood of golfing with his dad. So that’s why a caddie of dusty golf clubs are sitting there. Most of those items are things he kept because of reminiscing his childhood. I don’t think he wants to admit to himself he’s holding on to them because of the memories he has. I don’t blame him but if items are just becoming dusty, and ignored for years it’s just time to….llllleeeettt…..goooo. 

Junk Of Memories

Don’t get me wrong. In the beginning the stories he and his family told were nice hearing about, but if items are sitting there not being used nor looked at, perhaps it’s a sign that it’s time for them to take a second look and purge. I have told him numerous times we need to declutter but his new job has taken his time from home. Until now I’ll make do with what I can.

Things I Decluttered

First thing I got rid of was the unused baby gear. We gave these away to my husband’s former coworker who just had a baby. I don’t mind giving baby gear away to people who just had a new baby. It’s saves them time and money to shop for themselves. There are other things I decluttered. Here’s a general list of what I decluttered. Most are either given away or thrown away.

1. Baby Gear: Baby Gate & Baby Rocking Chair

2. Broken Holiday Ornaments ( All Holidays)

3. Shipping Supplies I Probably Won’t Use ( mostly given to me by my in laws who save their amazon packaging)

4. Broken Toys/Incomplete Toys

5. Items I Thought I Would Sell But Never Got Around To

It’s not much but after decluttering these items there was definitely more space. The baby gear really took up a ton of room. I’m glad it wen’t to someone who appreciated it. It was a little hard to go through the holiday ornaments. Some of them were hand made by a member of my husband’s family but I have no plans to fix them. These weren’t made with rare or expensive materials but were given away at family gatherings. I’m also happy to finally went through the empty shipping boxes and organize what to keep.

After decluttering a little bit.

Next Step

Next thing that needs to be done is my husband’s stuff. Then we can buy another shelf. Another area we need to focus in the garage is our stand up freezer. Then perhaps our cabinets that houses other essentials like first aid stuff, food containers, cleaning product, and etc.