Decluttering : Pet Cabinet & Reselling Shelf

For March I decluttered our late pets’s cabinet, and a reselling shelf. My husband did his own decluttering project by going through his chest of drawers filled with his clothing. Slowly but surely we are working toward decluttering our home for our first family move.

The Last Place Of Our Pets Nap Cabinet

Before. Cats blankets have already been thrown out.

This is the other side of our linen cabinet. This side was unofficially declared a pet cabinet. We use to have 3 cats who slept in this cabinet. Inside were some puzzles, knick knacks, and a comforter we never used.

Cleaning out this cabinet felt bittersweet. Ever since I met my husband we always had a cat. He had his own, and I had my own. Both of the cats we had were pretty much abandoned by their previous owners. When my husband, then boyfriend, bought his house he wanted to adopt another cat as a companion for his current one. That cat was the last cat we own together, and we had to send her over the rainbow this year due to her health deteriorating from age.

After. I threw everything away.

For this cabinet I threw everything out. The puzzles were old, knick knacks were not functional, and the comforter was filled with so much cat hair. After a good vacuuming I then sprayed my home made multipurpose cleaner generously, and wiped clean. Then aired out for a few hours. It’s currently empty, but a future project is to store the family’s collection of legos accumulated over the years.

Decluttering & Organizing One Of My Reselling Shelf

I have a reselling shelf that needed some TLC.


I had some inventory binned outside the hallway. So I added one of them here. Then I replaced the marshall’s/ Tj Maxx bags with bins. The blue bag on top is costumes I have listed. Since I don’t have a lot ,and I don’t stock costumes often, I don’t mind using an ikea bag for them.


I’m happy with the organizing I did. I have more room. It’s really encouraging me to do a more bin inventory system with the amount of future inventory I have in mind.

My Husband Decluttered His Chest Of Drawers

In addition to those two small decluttering projects my husband did his own decluttering. He went through his chest of drawers and decluttered his shirts, bottoms, socks, etc. He ended up throwing a big bag of stuff away. It took some talking to.

He told me he felt guilty throwing away some of the stuff I bought him over the years. I had to point out to him things like shirts ( he had so many over used ones)are not really a sentimental thing to keep. Unless it’s a piece of clothing purchased during memorable events ( weddings, vacations, etc) I wouldn’t keep. I then pointed out the clothing he’s purchased for me that are too worn are turned into rags for cleaning, or thrown away.

He’s still learning to decide what is worth keeping, and getting rid of. Between the two of us he forms more of sentimental attachments towards things than I do. It’s cute, but we really could do more with less.

Yearning For Less Things

With all this decluttering that has been happening, it has made me realize one thing……

We can live with less, and still live a fulfilling life.

I’m not planning to go minimalism. Just more of surrounding our home with things that we will use more. Limiting keepsakes to moments I want to never forget. If only it was that easy. We have two small kids who have so much stuff.