Decluttering: An Unexpected Bathroom Renovation

Well, before Baby Hulk’s school started our house had a leak. You would think a plumber can fix things then, and there right? Nope. My house looks like this.

Who knew a leak can turn into a whole friggin renovation project.

Leak From The 2nd Floor Bathroom

The leak came from our master bathroom tub (alcove). Due to the way it was built we had to have people cut through the first floor, and look to see if a plumber can fix through the ceiling. Unfortunately there was no way to fix it through the first floor. Our tub had to be cut and remove in order to fix the leak. Luckily we are in the process of getting our home insurance to pay for part of the repairs. Who knew a bad leak could involve so much.

Might As Well Start Renovating

Since it was always a plan to redo our shower my husband, and I decided to add that to the GC’s plate. That part is what we have to pay for. While I’m excited that we are getting a practically new master bathroom, the length time in getting things done is …..taking forever. Sweet mother of god now I understand why some people resort to doing things themselves, and also why renovations are so stressful.

Decluttering Master Bedroom & Bath

Because our renovations are still in process, I’ve been decluttering. Mostly my husband’s things since his closet was unfortunately messed up during the removal of the tub. I threw away/donated/reselling clothes that don’t fit, put his lego collection in it’s designated cabinet, and things he was saving but don’t remember why. I promise you he does not remember the wedding gifts we never used, nor use clothing that hasn’t been looked at in over two years.

It can be emotionally hard to declutter. I usually feel guilt. Guilt because sometimes the items are gifts, they remind us of a special moment, and throwing things away means we are throwing money away. I didn’t keep much to resell.

I had to discuss with my husband it’s just time to get rid of things people are not going to remember. We are moving to a smaller home next year. I never used some of these wedding presents, and they don’t have resell value. It’ll go to a donate or trash pile. Some of his clothing are too small. Got rid of those.

I’m hoping this gets finish soon. It feels weird staring at a giant hole in rooms on a daily basis.