December 2023 Reseller Income Report: Gross Sales $934.42

This is a limited series I hopefully plan to keep up for 12 months. My purpose of this series is to give readers who are interested in reselling as a side hustle a glimpse into numbers, and bits of piece of the nitty gritty of reselling. I have been doing this for 15 years part-time. It’s not really a guide, but more of a peek into some numbers & random thoughts on selling. Reselling, even though has its definite downs, has provided additional small income for my family. In general, I work on my own time, which is a huge plus. Especially since I can prioritize my time towards my children, one of who is autistic.

Gross Sales For December 2023:$934.42

COGS: $159.42

Sales Picked Up Toward End of Month

For December sales I still sold more on Poshmark than on eBay. I sold mostly long sleeves, sweaters, and outerwear. It was overall a decent month. Sales did pick up after Christmas which I was surprised about. Usually sales pick up in January not December for me. I sold a rather big bundle on poshmark toward the end of December. It was a designer coat coupled with anthropologie items.

Removing Best Offers On Ebay

On eBay I decided to go back to no Best Offers. I did best offers for a year. While I did sell with this added selling feature, I felt like it didn’t really increase my sales. Honestly I had a better experience doing promotions. The promotion I do is just setting items at 20% off (Promotion>Sale/Mark Down) with a time limit of 48 hours.

I don’t do the promoted listings. I did try it but I didn’t notice any increase in sales when I tried it for a month or two. For some resellers they do it but it just didn’t work me.

While it was nice not having to remember to frequently set my store with mark downs, it was annoying to get low balls offers with best offers. Especially knowing eBay has a much strict seller policy/return policy. It’s not a great incentive to sell my items at a huge discount knowing the customer has more power to return an item. On poshmark it doesn’t happened often. Honestly it’s been a while a poshmark buyer returns things. I sell so much less on eBay and I still get more returns compared to poshmark. It’s not very motivating to have best offers for that reason. It’s pretty much a race to the bottom, but also with less protection as a seller.

Ended 2023 Well

On a much positive note: On poshmark 2023 was my 2nd highest sales year. I have been active since 2018. My total sales for poshmark 2023 ( doing a quick look in closet insights): $7,563. I also had a higher ASP so I made more money after all fees. Now is this record breaking numbers? No of course not. I’m still happy though. I’m hoping to increase it this year. We shall see since we are moving to CA this year.