Autism Parenting: Back To School 2023

Baby Hulk started school. He has a new teacher again. To most kids having a new teacher is expected. Yet, for Baby Hulk we realize his school didn’t change SPED teachers often. It was quite common for kids to have the same teacher for 3 years. Unfortunately that didn’t happened, but since the main teacher for his program was still teaching in the school, she frequently communicated with the new teachers about her last roster of ASD kids.

His new teacher, and her TA reminds me so much of Baby Hulk’s Kinder teacher plus her TA. I have a feeling this year will be better. I wish I had more time to talk more about Baby Hulk’s anxiety about another student in his class. I will eventually. I usually wait it out to see how he is during the first week of school.

Meeting The New Teacher And Teacher’s Assistant

There was a meet, and greet before school started. We have always made time to attend them. It’s a great way to for Baby Hulk to get acquainted with his teachers. It’s also easier to drop school supplies then as oppose to the first day of school. Another reason to go is for him to see who is in his class. He was quite happy that two of his main friends were back.

His teachers, and I let him explore the room. He walked around, and noted all the changes. I excitedly reminded him that change is good. Different areas for the things means it feels new. He was happy to show Little Princess around a bit. He read the class roster, and I noted the new kids. I also told Baby Hulk he is one of the older kids now. He’s kind of like a big brother to all the younger ones. I’m not sure how he felt about that. Indifference is his response lol.

I’m also happy with their plans for Baby Hulk this year. He will have more Gen Class minutes added to his IEP. I also talked to them about the reinforcements (specific to Baby Hulk) I gave them. Noting that Baby Hulk’s special interest at the moment are flags. I gave her a pack of American flags, and other countries flags stickers. I don’t use these specific stickers at home so he will enjoy having different variations of flag stickers given to him.

At home the only reinforcement I use is negative. Which is I take away his Ipad/Tv privileges. It’s the only one I do when it comes to discipline. As of now it works. It has never gone beyond more than two days. I’m curious to see how the flag & country stickers will work for the school year. In general, Baby Hulk understands expectations of school. In the past, positive reinforcements, and cues have worked in helping him stay on track. Sometimes it doesn’t work in school. That means he loses his Ipad/Tv privileges at home.

Last Year At This School

I’m a little sad this will be Baby Hulk’s last year at this school. Next school year we will be moving to be closer to my father-in-law. I’m anxious about the change. If this was just me, and my husband I wouldn’t be so anxious. Changing schools, moving my kids, husband having to find a job, and our cost of living will be going up. A huge plus is that the district we will be moving to will have more programs, and support for Baby Hulk. There are even more programs for Little Princess I can sign her up for that’s within the school district.

Overall, I’m happy with my experience at this current school with their SPED autism program. While there are some things I wish was better explained, I’m very happy with the teachers. Unfortunately just like the rest of the country there is a shortage in teachers, and TAs. Even more shortages in SPED programs. Still, I’m happy in general with what we have experienced these past few years.