Autism Parenting: A New Pediatrician For My ASD Son

This post is going to be a rant. I had to go find a new pediatrician for my two kids. My health insurance changed. Unfortunately the company my husband works for changed it to a not so desirable insurance within our state. This also means we all had to change doctors. Which means I had to say goodbye to Dr H. Who has been my children’s Ped for 3 years.

I’m sad because there are only a handful of people who understand Baby Hulk, and the lack of healthcare for the ASD community where I live. It also helped that Dr. H is also a parent to an ASD child as well. He understood my concerns, and even asked where along the ASD spectrum did Baby Hulk was at. It truly felt such a relief to have someone like him that I can relate to. It also helped he was also familiar with what the school district offers in terms of therapy. Overall, he agreed with the therapies I intended for Baby Hulk was sufficient.

I’m not happy with his new pediatrician. He didn’t asked me where along the spectrum Baby Hulk was on, and suggested ABA, and other therapies. ABA therapy where I’m located is…questionable. It felt like they were a decade behind, and honestly too much time, and money. I just didn’t like the ABA therapy being offered where I live.

I would also like to point out this doesn’t mean I think ABA therapy is bad or won’t work for your child. It’s just something I researched endlessly on, looked at companies beliefs, and my spidey sense just went off. Put it this way, play therapy is rarely offered. I checked on company reviews from various sources, and most of them had a lot of experiences that wasn’t favorable.

So when the new pediatrician mentioned ABA without getting to know Baby Hulk I was very protective. Baby Hulk’s sensory profile has never been dangerous nor not manageable. To the majority of society it’s always shocking to hear he’s autistic. While I appreciate people are amazed at his intelligence, his melt downs/shut downs are frequently seen as him being bad, or him needing more discipline. It’s tiring as a parent being told I’m not parenting well.

I understand his new pediatrician is just doing his job. I’m just…frustrated on the recommendations without getting to know Baby Hulk. It’s kind of obvious I won’t be seeing the same pediatrician if I need to take him to the doctor. The hurdle of establishing care at a new center is done, and that is all I needed just in case something happens.

Anyways, I just needed to get this out. I don’t have people I can confide in when it comes to Baby Hulk. Putting this out on a blog is more of just me letting this all out.