App Games My Hyperlexic Autistic Toddler Played With Frequently

My son didn’t get an ipad until he was past the age of 2 (he is 6 now). Even then, it was an Ipad that was so old that it ran out of battery in half an hour. If you’re anti tablets, or ipads then that’s fine. I’m not anti tablet, or ipads. It’s a parent’s decision to decide what to expose their children to, and decide for themselves when to remove electronic devices.

 I do want to share what he played with because I always thought it was peculiar he wasn’t playing with apps most neurotypical kids played with. I didn’t mind him playing with these app games because they are deemed educational for the most part.  Plus, sometimes as parents finding information on showing interest in their special interest can be hard to find. My only criteria for app games for baby hulk is that they have to have no Ads, and doesn’t cost more than $5-$10. Some of these apps may have gone in price, so I have also listed their current price for 2022.

These are apps he played all the time. Some he loses interest but gains interest in them again. These apps I have listed are alphabet related. I will eventually make another app game list in the future that isn’t alphabet related.

1.Endless Alphabet, Reader, Numbers App

Price: Starts at $5.99.

I don’t remember the exact cost of the price I spent per app or if I purchased a bundle. Though this is one of the few apps baby hulk has played on and off for years.  The graphics are fun, the sounds make him laugh, and I like how it also shows how to pronounce words. Honestly, because of this app he learned to teach himself to read. 

2. Bini Bambini ABC Kids Games: Learn Letters 

Price: $4.99

My son had such an obsession in trains. This app was so perfect for him. Whats fun is that part of the game has kids doing puzzles of the words they choose. 

3. Preschool Games: Toddler Games

Price: Starts at $6.99

I like the variety this offered for him. He also enjoyed the tracing of the letters a lot. There is also some light math that he was able to figure out eventually.

4. Troy-Letters & Numbers Train

Price: No Price Listed

Another app that incorporates letters & trains. 

5. Baby Flash Cards: 500 + Words

Price: $4.99

When baby hulk was interested in learning how words sound, he went through his flash cards period. This was perfect for him since it showed various pictures of every day things, & animals he sees often. I’m not saying this app will helped with speech, but I did not mind him using it to learn new words.

I only listed 5 apps because outside of apps he loved playing with his alphabet blocks, foam letter blocks, and many other varieties of alphabet toys he has. Many of the apps he did play are not being updated anymore, so these are the handful you can still download/purchase. There are free ones you can download but those still had those Ads that pop up. The quickest way to avoid Ads in kids games is to pay for them. If you have any suggestions too you can comment back.