A Very Casual Thanksgiving 2022

This is a pic of Baby Hulk’s work at school. Pumpkin pie, grapes, & apple. 3 things he would like to eat on Thanksgiving.

Our Not So Typical, Casual Thanksgiving

For the last few years we stopped doing the “feast.” For one thing, Baby Hulk will only eat pumpkin pie. Another reason is we are not big fans of turkey. I use to bring my children to other families’s thanksgiving dinners. I stopped because I was met with various reasons why these gatherings were more stressful than joyful.

On a side note, thanksgiving in general has a morbid history. I’m glad that my son’s public school doesn’t go over that history. They pretty much skirt over the atrocities committed by the colonists. It’s not a conversation I know how to explain to my son who is speech & language delay. Yet. Someday.

This year I decided to try the Costco Thanksgiving Kit. It’s a kit with 2 pans of traditional thanksgiving food. 1 pan is uncooked turkey with stuffing underneath. The other pan is has cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, and green beans. We also bought Costco pumpkin pie.

It was just us 4, 2 adults, 2 children. It was a good day. Myself, and my two children stayed in our Pjs. I did some house chores. I also asked Baby Hulk about his thanksgiving worksheet. I told him I’d prep him grapes from his list. Pumpkin pie came later.

Snacks for my kids before a late Thanksgiving lunch.
Turkey after 2 hours of prep & cooking.

Thanksgiving Late Lunch

My husband always works holidays. He worked today until late afternoon. Which is why I gave our two kids a snack before the meal. I knew the kids wouldn’t eat the traditional thanksgiving meal. Little princess might. Baby hulk, its a no go for him. He has sensory issues with food textures. So I had to make some meatballs & tomato pasta for them. When my husband came home, he helped finished cooking & cutting the turkey. The food came out pretty good. I would buy this kit again in the future. for $37.00 it was a great deal. Small enough for my family. We ended the meal with a big old slice of pumpkin pie. Baby hulk said ” Happy Thanksgiving!” when my husband handed him his pie.

I love how his speech has come along.