2 Years From Moving A Family Of 4

  It’s been a few weeks since my husband and l decided to make a move to his home town. A few days after we decided we called his dad, and told him of our plan. Immediately my father in law told us “well, I know where you can live.” of course we knew what he was going to say. 5 to 10 min walk from him is a much smaller property he owns that is currently being rented. 

  My husband, and him proceeded to discuss more about this move. 2 years. In 2 years my family, and I will be in nearby state living in a different home. A huge benefit is being closed to my FIL. I’m excited, and anxious. I know my feelings are valid. The more time passes, the decision feels more right than wrong. My children will get to spend much more time with their only living grand parent. I never knew or met any of my grand parents. While I feel I lived a rather typical life without grand parents, my FIL is a quintessential grandpa. My children get to have more of those memories with a grandparent, and makes me happy for them. Another plus is my husband can easily talk to his father just by walking to his house.

  Anxiety Of The Decision To Move

My anxiety comes from a variety of reasons. Since the pandemic, I’ve dealt with a lot. A pregnancy, me being diagnosed with diabetes, pandemic really affecting my husband’s work which was starting to affect our marriage, and my son’s autism diagnosis. There is a slew of other things but those are the main reasons. I am in a better place mentally now. Adding a big move made me go “No” after finally to getting use to what life is now. The more I thought of it, the more I realize it’s time. 

Why Moving Became A Possibility

   I always wanted to move. There never was a good time that presented itself. Until now. When my husband was between jobs a few months ago we visited my FIL. My father jokingly ( in his own dad joking way ) said my husband can get a job here and live on the second home. My husband laughed but knew when it comes to family being close by, my FIL wasn’t joking. My FIL lives in a HCOL Place. Even with both of us working money would be very tight, and the thought of our kids barely seeing both parents was not something we ever agreed on. It was one of the reasons WHY the thought of moving to my husband’s hometown seemed like it was never going to happen. Plus his, my husband’s, career was generally going good until he left his last job. So it was discussed with my FIL about the hugely discounted “rent”, and now we need to plan this.

  So yes, 2 years.  From now until then I will be blogging more about decluttering, organizing, pretty much pertaining to our move. I know our situation is not typical of a move. Having 2 years to plan this is a huge benefit. We know where we are living, & we can temporarily live with my FIL to get the house ready in between moves.