Decluttering For A Big Family Move

I’ve moved a handful of time in my life. From moving homes when I was a child a couple times, to myself moving into my own townhome many years ago. To eventually moving into my home now which was originally my husband’s home. Now but now…. the idea of moving a family just feels so confusing, stressful, and frequently wondering if what I’m planning to do seems feasible.

So Much Stuff That Isn’t My Decision Get Rid Of

This is our first home together. Home as in the first place we lived together. Home from being engaged, married, having two wonderful children, and to now… our first future rental property. We aren’t planning on selling our home. From an investment standpoint, it wouldn’t be wise for a variety of reasons. From an emotional standpoint, I see myself eventually moving back. My family still lives in the area. I love the city because I know it from almost living two decades as a young adult to a frazzled SAHM. My husband doesn’t want to sell it either. The rent would help us financially when we move to his hometown.

Decluttering this house just seems hard though. Aside from the sheer volume of stuff I have to declutter, it’s also the things we can’t get rid of. Many of the medium to large furnitures are hand me downs from both sides of the family. A lot of them from my husband’s side. I can’t just decide to get rid of things without asking him. Many of the pieces have sentimental value. Unfortunately since he works so much the decision still kind of falls to me. How do you decide on this without causing conflict?

Decluttering My Children’s Items

In hindsight, my children don’t have a lot of things. I do declutter their stuff regularly. I frequently go to toys and decide what to keep, donate, & throw away. Even their clothes. Yet this move…there will be a time when I have to ask them to really decide what to keep. The house we are moving to is smaller. They can’t bring everything. I have a feeling I would have to try to make the move for my ASD son, baby hulk, as comfortable as possible. This is a huge change for him.

Anxiety From Decluttering

Then there’s me. Decluttering for me is actually kind therapuetic. Now it’s not. It just feels exhausting now when I’m decluttering, or cleaning. Questioning if it’s worth to bring items to our new home. I think I just really need to come to terms with myself whatever I plan will always change. Especially since there is still time.