April 2023 Reseller Income Report: Gross Sales $970.94

This is a limited series I hopefully plan to keep up for 12 months. My purpose of this series is to give readers who are interested in reselling as a side hustle a glimpse into numbers, and bits of piece of the nitty gritty of reselling. I have been doing this for 15 years part-time. It’s not really a guide, but more of a peek into some numbers & random thoughts on selling. Reselling, even though has its definite downs, has provided additional small income for my family. In general, I work on my own time, which is a huge plus. Especially since I can prioritize my time towards my children, one of who is autistic.

Gross Sales For Both eBay/Poshmark: $970.94

Fees: $216.06

Cost Of Goods (COGS): $202.94

In April I didn’t list very much. I don’t know the exact number I listed. So any sales for April was greatly appreciated. April was filled with low balls offers. I did have some good sales, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I felt like removing offers. It is what it is.

With summer approaching sales typically slow down for most resellers. It’s for a variety of reasons. For me personally, it’s because my inventory isn’t typically catered to summer. For most summers I focus on stocking up my store with fall/winter things.

I’m a bit disappointed in myself. I told myself 2023 will be the year I’ll bring my sales back up to when before I was pregnant with little princess. It still hasn’t happened. I already know why. It’s because I’m not listing enough. Also I just need to let old inventory go even if I lose a little bit of money.